The HELP desk provides a solution for UNFPA Country Offices and selected Implementing Partners to submit specific challenges being experienced in managing the logistics and supply chain for UNFPA programmes at the national level. After submitting a ‘ticket’ technical experts from UNFPA partners (HELP Logistics, Kuehne + Nagel, and others) or UNFPA HO colleagues will respond to the query and work with the CO to manage the specific bottleneck. This may be answerable via email, may require a call or may require a longer piece of remote support. Please find below a step-by-step guide:


  1. Please click on the ‘New Support Ticket’ 
  2. Fill in all relevant information requested in the ticket
    1. Your e-Mail address
    2. Your organization
    3. Your country office
    4. Your position
    5. The topic or functional area (e.g. ‘forecasting’ or ‘customs clearance’)
    6. The urgency of the request. Please use the following to appropriately categorized:
        • ‘Urgent’ - The request has a direct and immediate impact on supplies and if not managed immediately will result in quality or financial negative ramification (e.g. supplies is stuck at the port of entry with customs clearance issues)
        • ‘Not Urgent’ - The request, while requiring relatively fast intervention, is related to structures and systems which need to be adapted or implemented
    7. Subject line outlining what the request is about 
    8. A description of the issue. Please explain the issue in as much detail as possible to ensure faster processing and better support by the HELP desk team. You can also attach a file to help explain the issue better.
  1. Click ‘submit’
  2. You will receive an email confirming the receipt of your ticket
  3. Within the indicated time frame you will receive a response to your ticket. The HELP desk aims for 72 hours for the requester to receive contact from the technical expert.


While this platform is only open to UNFPA country offices and Implementing Partners for now, if there are logistics and supply chain issues being experienced by the entire SRH/GBV community at the national level, the UNFPA CO can submit on behalf of the coordinated response. UNFPA COs can use the existing coordination groups as modalities for gaining knowledge on the existing supply chain and logistics operations for SRH and GBV, and any major bottlenecks that will affect everyone delivering lifesaving services. 


Please note, this is the first time UNFPA is doing this type of support modality for supplies and over time HO and HELP will continue to improve the system, and increase the number of technical experts engaged from the private sector and public sector partners. Please feel free to provide any feedback on the system through your regional humanitarian coordinators, you will also receive an opportunity to provide feedback once your bottleneck has been fully resolved by the technical team. You can also write an e-Mail to [email protected].


While the platform is only in English, if you are not comfortable speaking about technical logistics issues in English, please submit requests in French or Arabic (we are hoping as well to have Spanish as soon as we can) and the technical team can manage. 


For any follow-up questions please contact [email protected] or your regional humanitarian coordinator.